London Bridge Regenerative Clinic

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Cortisone INJECTIONs

We provide ultrasound-guided cortisone injections, for various musculoskeletal conditions and sports-related injuries.



  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Sports injuries




30 minutes


Avoid heavy impact and intense loading activities for 10-14

Reduced Inflammation: cortisone injections have potent anti-inflammatory properties, making injections valuable in reducing inflammation

Pain Relief: cortisone injections can provide effective and targeted relief from pain associated with various musculoskeletal conditions

Fast pain relief

An effective pain relief option

Reducing Pain Improving Mobility

Ultrasound guided cortisone injections can provide effective and targeted relief from pain associated with various musculoskeletal conditions, helping individuals manage discomfort and improve their quality of life.

London Bridge Regenerative Clinic

Cortisone injections, also known as corticosteroid injections, derive their name from the potent anti-inflammatory compound they contain. These injections are synthetic versions of the body’s own “glucocorticoids,” which play a crucial role in regulating the inflammatory process. By delivering this powerful anti-inflammatory agent directly into an inflamed area, injections typically alleviate pain and swelling, offering significant symptomatic relief.

They prove particularly effective for treating inflamed joints, tendon sheaths, and chronic joint pain conditions like inflammatory arthritis, such as Rheumatoid arthritis.

In cases where prompt pain relief is necessary and NHS waiting times are prohibitive, we provide a quick, cost-effective solution. Our treatment at the London Bridge Regen clinic includes an ultrasound scan and musculoskeletal assessment, ensuring comprehensive care.

Using ultrasound guidance enables precise localisation of the problem area, ensuring the injection reaches the intended location accurately. Research demonstrates that this approach significantly enhances procedure outcomes while allowing for administering the lowest effective dose. Conversely, blind injections without ultrasound guidance may necessitate less desirable repeat procedures. Additionally, ultrasound-guided injections minimise the risk of damaging surrounding structures, reducing tissue damage and associated pain.


During an ultrasound-guided steroid injection, your injection practitioner will select the appropriate steroid and dosage based on the area we are injecting, clinical history, and severity of your issue. We will begin by taking your case history, orthopedic, and neurological examination followed by a diagnostic ultrasound scan. This comprehensive approach allows for accurate diagnosis and for the best treatment modality to be used.

Assuming there are no contraindications, the practitioner will proceed to inject the steroid directly into the inflamed area, such as a joint or the surrounding soft tissue identified during the diagnosis. Most patients find these injections to be comfortable and well tolerated.

Depending on your medical history and examination, we may need to postpone the injection if certain conditions are present, such as unstable blood pressure or fluctuating blood sugar levels due to diabetes. In such cases, specific written consent from your GP may be required before proceeding with the injection.

Following the injection, it’s common for the local anesthetic to provide immediate relief from pain. However, this initial numbing sensation typically subsides within a couple of hours. The full effects of the steroid may take several days to start, usually resulting in a significant reduction in pain within a week post-injection. We will also advise specific rehabilitation exercises, pain and anti-inflammatory medication, ice, compression, and activity modification.

Depending on the area we are injecting, it is normally advised to avoid driving for 1 hour after the injection, as you may experience some numbness.

For joint injections, it’s recommended to refrain from strenuous exercise for approximately two days afterward. Similarly, if the injection is near a tendon, avoiding heavy impact and intense loading activities for 10-14 days post-injection is advisable. We will provide guidance on returning to normal activities on the day of treatment and may advise a course of shockwave therapy or physiotherapy.

If you experience pain relief from the injection and alternative treatments have been ineffective or unsuitable, repeat steroid injections can typically be administered safely, but we would not normally have more than 3 per year. Some injections serve to create a ‘window of opportunity’ for engaging in exercise and rehabilitation. As your pain becomes better managed, the emphasis often shifts towards exercise and conservative management, potentially reducing the necessity for further injections. Once the pain levels have reduced to a more tolerable level, we may also advise other treatment modalities such as focused shockwave or HA injections.

  1. Have an infection
  2. Exhibit allergies to local anesthetics or steroids
  3. Feeling unwell or have fever
  4. Have upcoming surgery planned in the same area
  5. Are unsure or hesitant about receiving the injection

At London Bridge Regen clinic we provide various payment options meaning you can spread the cost and enjoy a confident outlook at a price you can afford this can also include interest free options.

Please book your free initial 10 minute free telephone or face-to-face consultation to ascertain the suitability of the injection and the different treatments we offer. 

Procedure Specialists

Injection Therapist 

 Ultrasound guided Steroid Injections

Gary Edwards


Corticosteroid Treatment - Injections - London Bridge Regenerative Clinic

Benefits of cortisone Injections

These types of injections, can offer several benefits in various musculoskeletal conditions such as bursitis, tendinopathy, osteoarthritis, and other related sports injuries.

Pain Relief: cortisone injections can provide significant relief from pain and inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, and other musculoskeletal conditions. They work by reducing inflammation in the affected area and reducing pain.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Corticosteroids have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which make them effective in reducing swelling, redness, and pain caused by inflammatory mediators due to the injury.

Fast-acting: cortsione injections often provide rapid relief compared to oral medications because they are delivered directly to the affected area, bypassing the digestive system and quickly exerting their effects. We also increase accuracy by using guided ultrasound.

Localised Treatment: Unlike other oral medications and other painkillers that affect the entire body, ultrasound-guided steroid injections can be targeted to a specific area of pain and inflammation, allowing for precise treatment with minimal systemic side effects.

Adjunct to Other Treatments: cortisone injections can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include physical therapy, rest, or other medications. They can help manage symptoms while underlying conditions are being treated or managed.

It’s important to remember that whilst these injections can offer significant benefits, they also carry potential risks and limitations. These include the risk of infection, tissue damage, temporary worsening of symptoms, and systemic side effects. Therefore, it’s important to carefully read through the consent form to fully understand the risks and benefits of the procedure.

After the procedure,  typically we dvise refraining from engaging in strenuous physical activities for several days to allow your body to recover optimally. It’s essential to prioritise hydration by drinking plenty of water to help flush out any toxins and aid in the healing process. If you experience any discomfort or pain, Paracetamol can be safely used for pain management as needed.

It is important to follow your clinician post-procedure instructions carefully and attend follow-up consultation. 

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Book consultation

Book a free consultation with one of our practitioners today  


Step 1. Free Intial consultation

London Bridge Regen clinic gives every patient a free consultation with one of our injecting practitioners.

There is no obligation to proceed to treatment. The consultation is an opportunity to discuss your issue in detail and the benefits and risks of the procedure.

Many individuals find significant relief through ultrasound-guided steroid injections when grappling with persistent conditions such as arthritis affecting various joints or soft tissue issues like frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.


We will allow time to find out more about the procedure, understand the advantages and risks with the procedure, and to give time for you to ask questions We may need to refer you for an MRI


We  will then take your medical history, examine which may include diagnostic ultrasound then proceed with the guided injection. 


You’ll be given individual pre-injection advice to reduce your chance of bleeding or infection and support your recovery and aid healing

It’s important to let your practitioner know if you’re on any prescription or over-the-counter medications. You may be asked to stop taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory tablets, which can increase the risk of bruising. It’s also important to stop smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes before and after the procedure because they can disrupt the healing process.

Local anesthetic is not needed for this procedure and the procedure is tolerated very well. 


Following the procedure, most individuals can return home and resume their normal activities. Our clinical team will be available to offer water and provide guidance on post-injection care.

For the next twenty-four hours, it’s advisable to refrain from strenuous activities and alcohol consumption. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t notice immediate effects; it typically takes around five days for the injection to take effect, with the full results becoming evident over the course of several weeks.

A follow-up appointment or phone consultation will be scheduled for four weeks after the procedure to review the progress.


Gary Edwards —


Gabriel​ —​


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Please complete the form below so one of our practitioners can contact you to discuss your issue and availability, in order to book your free consultation over the phone or in our London Bridge clinic.

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